Schedule 2021-2022

Please note below is a rough outline for the year. This depends on both the weather and leaders availability.

Covid-19 is currently making it difficult to schedule a weekly meeting but we will endeavor to have fun longer than usual into the summer.

week starting Beavers (Wed) Cubs (Mon/Thurs) Scouts (Fri) notes
22 Nov 2021Beach CleanupBP18 Rowing
29 Nov 2021Night Hike CanalsBadges/Chart reading
6 Dec 2021InvestitureBP18 Rowing
13 Dec 2021BREAKBREAKBREAKChurchgate collection
10 Jan 2022
17 Jan 2022Hike at Windmills
24 Jan 2022Hiking (STG – 1)Hiking (STG – 2)Hall(Camping STG 3-4)
31 Jan 2022BP18 Rowing
7 Feb 2022Investiture
InvestitureHall(Sailing STG 3-4)
14 Feb 2022Airactivities (STG-1)Renmore sleepover (€10)Rusheen (Pioneering STG3-4)uniform inspection all sections
28 Feb 2022Renmore sleepover (€10)Sailing (STG – 2)Kayakingwater safety
7 Mar 2022Diamond HillDiamond HillDiamond Hill
14 Mar 2022St.Pats paradeSt.Pats paradeSt.Pats parade St.Pats parade + bank oliday
21 Mar 2022Camping STG-1Camping STG-2Kayakingclocks change Sun 27th
4 Apr 2022??RowingRowing
11 Apr 2022BREAKBREAKBREAKmid term break
18 Apr 2022BREAKBREAKBREAKmid term break
25 Apr 2022KayakingDinghy SailingCamp Rusheen (€10)
2 May 2022Camp Rusheen (€5)KayakingPowerboat level 1
7th May 2022PetersbergPetersbergPetersbergScouts 2 nights/others 1 night
9 May 2022RaftingDinghy SailingCamp in Connemarajambories on the trail – May 14th
16 May 2022Dinghy SailingDinghy Sailing
23 May 2022KayakingSchool exams
30 May 2022Prep for Jamoige/TentsPrep for Jamoige/TentsDinghy SailingJamoige 4-6th June
6 Jun 2022BREAKBREAKBREAKState Exams
13 Jun 2022Dinghy SailingPower boats
20 Jun 2022ExpeditionExpeditionExpedition(1/2/4 nights)
27 Jun 2022Dinghy SailingDinghy SailingDinghy Sailing
4 Jul 2022
11 Jul 2022Dinghy Sailing
18 Jul 2022
25 Jul 2022
1 Aug 2022Prep for Nawaka/Tents
8 Aug 2022Nawaka 8th – 17th
15 Aug 2022Nawaka 8th – 17th
22 Aug 2022RegistrationsRegistrationsRegistrations
29 Aug 2022RegistrationsRegistrationsRegistrations