
AGM 2023

Parents & Friends AGM took place in the Community Meetings rooms, above Tesco Knocknacarra at 7pm on Wednesday 8th November, 2023. This was open to all Parents, Friends and Supporters of the Sea Scout Group.

Scout Group AGM took place immediately after at 8pm and was open to Adult Members of the Group who are fully registered with Scouting Ireland and who have current Garda Vetting and Safeguarding in place.

The Minutes for the Group AGM were approved by the Board of Trustees on Wednesday 22 November and are available here.

Group Charter

The aim of the Scout Group is to encourage the physical, intellectual, character, emotional, social, and spiritual development of young people so that they may achieve their full potential and, as responsible citizens, to improve society. The Scout Group achieves its aim through a system of progressive self-education, known as the Scout Method, which is detailed on the Scouting Ireland website.

Our Scouting Ireland Group Charter is available here

Governance & Structure

In line with Scouting Ireland policy, the Scout Group established itself as an independent charity in May 2023. The Scout Group is also affiliated to Scouting Ireland and is registered as an approved Training Centre with the Irish Sailing Association.

We operate within the terms outlined in the Group Constitution which details the election and responsibilities of the Group Council office holders, who are also Trustees of the Charity and other aspects of good governance. Our Annual report, Financial Statements, Membership policy, Child Safeguarding policy, and Conflict of Interest declarations have also been submitted to the Charities Regulator and Scouting Ireland and are published below.

The Group is registered and operates under the following names: 1st Port of Galway (24th Galway) Sea Scout Group, 1st Port of Galway Sea Scouts, 24th Galway Scout Group, Port of Galway Sea Scouts, Gasóga Mara Chalafort na Gaillimhe, Galway Sea Scouts, Gasóga Mara na Gaillimhe, 1ú Gasóga Mara Chalafort na Gaillimhe.


Our Charity Registration Number is 20206534

Board of Trustees

The Current Board of Trustees were elected at AGM on 8th November 2023 and hold office for 1 year, except for the Group Leader who was elected on 1st December 2022 AGM and holds office for a three year term, with the option to be appointed for a further 3 years. The Board of Trustees form the Group Council and meet every 6 weeks to manage the governance and operations of the Group.


Mihai Shirlui              Chairperson

Erin Killeen                Group Leader

Kenneth Larkin         Assistant Group Leader

Gemma Murphy        Treasurer

Damien McCoy          Secretary

Denis Murphy            Bo’sun

Sinéad Ní Bhrádaigh  Youth Representative

The Trustees have committed to always act in the best interests of the members.


Our Scout Group Constitution is available here

Annual Report & Financial Statement

Our Approved Annual Report, including Financial Statement for year ending August 31st, 2023 is available here

The Financial Statement is provided separately here

The Scouting Ireland Financial Statement submission is here


Our Current Membership Census information is available here

Membership Policy & Fees

Our Current Membership Policy and fee structure is available here

Child Protection

We adhere to the Scouting Ireland Child Safeguarding Policy and Protocols which are available here and the Safeguarding Reporting Procedures which are here

All Adult Scouter Volunteers hold current Garda Vetting and have undertake frequent Child Protection training

The Scouting Ireland CO and DLP Contacts are as follows

Children’s Officer (CO)    Steven Maclean

CO Cert Number               CORU Registration No 003369

Designated Liaison Person (DLP) Caroline Healy and Jill Lacey

Group Strategy

DLP Cert number NYCI DLP Training completed on the 14th and 15th of September 2020

Group Strategy

Inclusion Charter & Officer

The Group has adopted the Sport Inclusion Disability Charter.

Damien McCoy is current Group Inclusion Officer and may be contacted for any queries related to accessibility and inclusion in our youth development program.

Group Strategy

The Group Strategy for 2022-2025 is available here. We expect this to be revised and updated in late 2024

Relationship with Independent Company (SR1949580)

The Board of Trustees have established a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Scout Group and the Directors of the independent company limited by guarantee (CLG) who manage the Sea Scout site within Port of Galway. The MoU which may be viewed here is currently under implementation.

Public Liability Insurance

The Scouting Ireland Public Liability Insurance under which the Group operates is available here

Other Details

Registered Office                 Galway Ocean Sports Centre

                                                Harbour Enterprise Park, New Docks

                                                Galway, H91 V25X

Bankers                                  Bank of Ireland

                                                Upper Salthill, Galway, H01 CR97