Join us

Sea Scouting is an inclusive, values based movement and membership is open to all those who share our fundamental values.

We aim to ensure that our Sea Scout Group is open and accessible; and that people are treated equally and with respect. This policy is reflective of the ethos of Scouting, expressed by our fundamental values (integrity, care, co-operation, respect and belief) and our commitment to delivering Scouting for all.

By removing any real or perceived barriers to participation, we can ensure that even more young people can enjoy the adventure of Scouting and that Scouting will be as diverse as the communities in which we live.

As we have a large number of Youth seeking to Join our Sea Scout Group each year we can not provide a space too all, but can typically offer a few places as they become available

As we are a Group run completely  by Volunteers (who have their own family and life commitments) we prioritise more places for applications  who’s Adults can offer their time, skills and abilities to help run our Group, either as active Sea Scout leaders, joining our Fundraising or Maintenance Teams

Siblings of existing members are treated the same as any new application unless a family member is an Active Volunteer with us (or was in the past)

By Filling in the FORM below I am AGREEING to
  • I will ONLY hear back from if my Youth/s   is/are  offered a place or to clarify something in the application process.
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
    I give full permission for the registered, child protected and fully  trained Leaders/Scouters involved in the Admissions Committee to view/hold my families  data + if needed  to contact me.
    I give permission for my details to be held for 14 months 

    At any time if I  email And
    Requesting that all my families details on my Expression of Interest Form are Deleted..they will be Deleted

Before filling out our expression of interest list, we suggest you read our admission policy to understand the requirement of joining our group.

1st Port of Galway Sea Scouts
Admission & Attendance Policy
Version: 1.4 (Aug 2020)

1st Port of Galway Sea Scouts is a completely voluntarily led and managed group. Everyone from the group leader, section leaders, assistant leaders, associate committee members etc., is a volunteer. We give up our time and energies to make our Sea Scout Group a success. Like everyone else, we also have family and non-scouting commitments.

Our group has approximately 130 youth members and 65 adult members across 5 different sections with a youth age range from 6 to 26 yrs. We have a large amount of equipment for both land based and sea based scouting and this needs maintenance and repair. Our annual running costs are € 20,000 per annum for purchasing additional equipment, hall rental, insurance etc. and we rely extensively on fundraising for this.

It is mandatory that new families joining the group support the group by giving their time to support events throughout the year. We expect one or both parents in the family to be involved. A new parent can be involved as : 

  1. A  leader at the weekly meetings and/or at weekend events
  2. A associate member of the Maintenance Committee, working on repairing and enhancing our equipment, including a number of boats and dinghies
  3. A member on our Parents and Friends/Fund- Raising committee to help ensure that we have the necessary funds
  4. Importantly, we need assistance with administration.

For all of these roles, we are required by law that each parent submits a Garda Vetting form. Parents cannot be in contact with our youth, other than their own, unless the Garda Vetting process is completed. This is new legislation enacted into law 1st March 2013 and failure to comply with this law constitutes a criminal act. As a consequence, the Garda Vetting process in mandatory for all parents who will come into contact with our children, even indirectly.  

2. Selection Criteria 

Places are offered in each section to existing youth members and new youth members whose name are on our expression of interest list for that September according to the following criteria: 

  1. Children of existing active leaders
  2. Children of existing members of associate committees
  3. Members of the youth section from the previous year who remain within the age ranges applicable to the section and who have attended more than 85% of the sessions during the previous year.
  4.  Youth members from transitioning up from sections within  our group due to age requirements. Sea Beavers who are going up to Sea Cubs. Sea Cubs who are going up to Sea Scouts. Sea Scouts going up to Sea Ventures. Sea Ventures who are going up to Sea Rovers.
  5. Children of new leaders
  6. Children of new members of associate committees
  7. Siblings of existing youth members, if parents are not active members or not active members of associate committees, in date order (i.e. first come, first served), with due regard for gender and age balance within the section. Siblings must be recorded on the registration of interest list for that September.
  8. Children of former leaders
  9. Children of former members of associate committees
  10. Children on registration of interest with due regard for gender and age balance within the section.

Please Note.
a) Anyone applying from another Scouting group will be referred directly to the Group Leaders. The Group Leader of their previous groups must be informed.

b) We aspire to be fully inclusive to all members of our community.
Hence we allocate places to youth who themselves or their families would not traditionally be members of Scouting /our Group.
Please inform us on your application if this may be relevant.

3. Parental involvement 

1st Port of Galway Sea Scouts gives a lot to its youth members – a range of land and sea based scouting activities. We rely on parental involvement to ensure that our children get to enjoy a full Scouting Programme. As a consequence we ask one or more parents from each family to become actively involved in the group. 

4. Expression of Interest (new form for each Sep)

The following process for application for a child to be placed on our Expression of Interest list

  1. Parents should fill out the “Expression of interest form” on our website.
  2. Before September of each year, the group will consider new applications.
  3. Some parents will be invited to meet the Group and Section leaders to discuss their application
  4. Parents will be informed by email in September only if they have been successful in
  5. enrolling their child and be sent an application form to join Scouting Ireland and a Garda Vetting form
  6. Parents will be expected to complete the Garda Vetting form straight away
  7. Your child will be enrolled to start in September

5. Child Protection 

As a parent it’s natural that you would want to be assured of their child’s safety and welfare wherever. Scouting Ireland is committed to ensuring that our youth members learn, develop in a safe and secure environment. To this end we have developed robust child protection, recruitment and selection policies and procedures. These policies and procedures are consistent with National child protection policy and good practice guidelines.

All new applicant scout leaders go through a vetting process.
Applicant scout leaders must provide 2 references and  must go through formal police checking (Garda Vetting).
In addition, all new scout leaders must undertake child  protection training course during their Induction period. 

6. Progression between sections 

The decision whether any given youth member moves to a section will be based primarily on age but school also be taken into account. Minimum ages are: 

❖ Sea Beavers: 6 years old
❖ Sea Cubs: 9 years old
❖ Sea Scouts: 12 years old
❖ Sea Venture: 15 years old
❖ Sea Rover: 18 years old 

School year is deemed important, as it will have a bearing on developmental stage and on friendships. We apply the following transition criteria based on the circumstances for each individual member: 

Movement up to
Beavers to Cubs should be when children go into 3rd class.
Cubs to Scouts should be when children go into 6th class.
Scouts to Ventures when young people go into either 3rd or 4th year. 

Youth Members move from one section to another (transition) at the start of the scouting year. 

7. Attendance Policy 

In the event of a youth member being absent for three consecutive nights without communication/apology to section leader, their place will be deemed surrendered. 

8. Dropping and Collection Policy

Scouting Activity starts at the event location when parent signs over their child to a Leader. The Activity ends when the Parent signs they have collect their child.

It is important the parent drops and collects their child on time. In exceptional circumstances were a parent will be late, the parent must phone the leader in charge as soon as possible.

9. Collecting your child during an activity

It is vital that a parent is available always to collect a child during an activity.

Some of the reasons for this are; if a child shows indications of COVID-19, is injured, has broken a rule that requires them to leave, etc

10. Data Protection 

All information to 1st Port of Galway Sea Scouts will be treated as confidential and will not be shared with any group outside of Scouting Ireland without prior consent. 

11. Arbitration 

The Group Leaders will arbitrate in the event of any question arising from the Admissions Policy and that will be final. 

12. COVID-19

We have very strict rules regarding COVID-19.
For example, no adult or youth can attend any activity if they or a member of their family are showing any symptoms eg temperature, cough, cold etc have been in direct contact with a known case of COVID-19 have been outside the country in the last 14 days

We recommend no youth should be in direct close contact with Anyone, who is deemed to be high risk if they were to contact COVID-19, within 14 days of a Scout Activity

11. Other local scout groups 

Other local scout groups may have places available. You will find these listed on

A local Sailing Club is Galway City Sailing Club at

The term parent means parents / guardian